When I got home today I was greeted by one of the young kids on the street. I was carrying a branch of peppers that I had been given as a gift/decoration and the kid asked if he could have one. But, he wanted me to try one first to see if it was spicy. I took a bite off the bottom of a pepper and, in spite of seeing my almost instant reaction to the fire occuring in my face, he tried one, too.
In any case, I post this as a warning to all of you starry-eyed "Oh that looks like a delicious little red pepper" potential eaters, because I believe in passing on knowledge and I believe in keeping your tastebuds:
The Fresno chili pepper a cultivar of Capsicum annuum, with bell peppers and other chili peppers. It is similar to the Jalapeño pepper but it is significantly hotter (2500-10000 Scoville units) increasing in heat as it ripens.*
*And they were REALLY ripe. Oh, and thanks to wikipedia for this quote.
don't eat the peppers then spit them into someone's eye.