Thursday, November 3, 2011

DON'T EAT THE PEPPERS: Another afternoon on the block


When I got home today I was greeted by one of the young kids on the street.  I was carrying a branch of peppers that I had been given as a gift/decoration and the kid asked if he could have one.  But, he wanted me to try one first to see if it was spicy.  I took a bite off the bottom of a pepper and, in spite of seeing my almost instant reaction to the fire occuring in my face, he tried one, too.

So after about five minutes in the kitchen steadying myself on the counter and trying not to throw up I finally made it back outside with a bottle of water for us to share.  He seemed to have handled it better than I did, though, and soon we were all playing tag and running races.  One of the Dads watching the kids would yell out when a car turned down our street.  Some of the older kids tried to see how close they could get to me without getting tagged; I seemed to be "it" a lot...

In any case, I post this as a warning to all of you starry-eyed "Oh that looks like a delicious little red pepper" potential eaters, because I believe in passing on knowledge and I believe in keeping your tastebuds:
The Fresno chili pepper a cultivar of Capsicum annuum, with bell peppers and other chili peppers. It is similar to the Jalapeño pepper but it is significantly hotter (2500-10000 Scoville units) increasing in heat as it ripens.*


*And they were REALLY ripe.  Oh, and thanks to wikipedia for this quote.

1 comment:

  1. don't eat the peppers then spit them into someone's eye.
