Sunday, October 2, 2011

A Warm Send-Off

Today was the last time I will be able to attend my home church for a few weeks.  I asked the congregation if they would pray for me when they thought of me this next year.  As I am less than 2 days away from heading down to Philly it is dawning on me how important it will be to have a home church thinking about me and praying for me.  This church has been my home and support for many, many years, and hopefully for many more. 

My request was welcomed with smiles, nods, handshakes, hugs, and warm conversations.  I even received prayer right on the spot. 

Even more fitting was that it was World Communion Day, so as I walked up to receive my portion I knew that I did not walk alone.  We are all of us called to places as distant as our Guatemalan visitors or to as close, as Pastor T. put it, to across the table.  "Everything in your life has led you to this point," I was told, and I want to echo that to every person.  I know it's true.

So as you partner with me, I partner with you, and together we approach the table as one body.

Ask and you shall receive?  Yes.  God has given me a truly gracious community to partner with here.  I am glad to go knowing that I call them my home.

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