Sunday, April 8, 2012

The Great Adventures of the Mysterious, Mysterious Girl, Part 3: Friendship

Day 3, Wednesday.

As far as the workday went, it was pretty uneventful.  In fact, I need to push my brain to remember it- which, says less about the work I'm doing and more about the craziness of this week.  

I spent most of the day holed up in my makeshift "office", which for this week has simply been one of the spaces between two of the bunk beds on the floor littered with all of my necessities: my computer, my earphones, my water, my snacks, and several empty bowls that belie how many meals I really eat in a day.

So the point of Wednesday isn't so much that I like working off the floor sometimes, but that night was reunion night.  Us legendary hosts, or as many as we could find in this great city, were all hanging out together for the first time in many months (almost a year...?) to shoot the breeze and generally reminisce about the good old days, etc etc.

Our lives have zig-zagged since we all parted ways for what we originally thought was forever.  I remember very distinctly sitting in the basement eating leftover Puerto Rican food with perhaps a tear or so as one very beautiful stage of my life was ended.  But that's my favorite part about Christian community.  For the most part, it never really ends.  People show back up in your life when you least expect it.  You find yourself in cities you swore you'd never live in when you were younger.  God challenges you in ways that you didn't think.  But the best part is, He gives you friends to walk through it all with.

Later that night we wound up praying and one of us said, "It's like He knew all along.  He knew we were all going to be here this night."

Recently I came across a quote from this Italian poet Alessandro Manzoni:  

Une del benefici dell'amicizia e di sapere a chi confidare un segreto.
One of the benefits of friendship is knowing to whom you may confide a secret.

So here's to friendship.  To GChat.  To "quick" phone conversations.  To email threads.  To texting.  To blogs.  Even to Facebook.  To road trips.  To Women's Retreats.  To cool nights on the back porch discussing philosophy, dating, and gardening.  To roommates.  To cooking.  And especially to prayer, through the one who connects us all.

Dear all,
You are all the coolest, and I am better for knowing you.
Much love,

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